For anyone traveling away from home here is a quick reminder on the basics of currency exchange. Before you go check out the exchange rate on xe.com website or download their app.
First Place: The best exchange rate you will get is to utilize your credit card but first confirm the credit card has no foreign transaction fees before you leave home. The Chase Sapphire Preferred is a great choice to use while traveling.
Second Place: The second best option is withdrawing cash from a local ATM once you arrive. Consider the duration of your visit or take only small amounts of money to avoid having a surplus of foreign currency when it is time to return home.
Consolation Prize: Unless you are desperate never purchase currency at the airport because they give you a crappy rate and usually charge an additional fee.
Don’t even ask me about traveller’s check; we have moved on from the 1970’s folks.
Seek your adventure!
love it! great tip, thanks for posting the exchange sites. had to laugh at your ‘1970s’ comment.