Here are the top 5 things I bring on every flight even if it is only 30 minutes. You never know when you might flight yourself on the tarmac awaiting air traffic control for take off and that 30 minute flight quickly turns into 3 hours. How many times have you been there?
#1 bottle of water – Even if you are flying first class it takes time before the flight attendants can serve you a beverage of your choice. Throw in some turbulence and you might never ever see a glass of water.
#2 snacks – I hate paying $5 for a small bag of nuts at the airport because I did not bring anything with me and now my flight is delayed.
#3 headphones – Some flights have entertainment systems but you have to bring your own headphones or purchase from the airline. I also listen to music on my phone to drown out the crying babies around me.
#4 baby wipes or hand sanitizer – Often the line for the bathroom on flights is long and if you just want to wash your hands this provides a solution. I also wipe down my tray table to minimize any germs.
#5 book or magazine – I still like the “old school” paper version plus I enjoy the break from digital world. The added bonus that no matter how long the flight you never have to worry about the battery life.
We will talk more about packing the suitcase in another post. Safe travels.
Seek your adventure!
Great tips!
i would add comfortable shoes as a necessary. Ones that slip on and off depending if you like or dislike the person next to you.
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